Thursday, 9 August 2018

Teslin Park to Stewart BC Aug 8th

Mostly just driving south today, Alaska hwy to 37 BC south, 37 south bad road the first 80km, than wonderful real pavement, I did see a bear and it was much smaller than the one posted earlier making me think the bear was the grizzly bear, that bear had a round face and this bear was pointed and really black. The smoke I smelled in the Yukon came from BC and a fire near Dease lake really not a good name for a town.  The sky cleared up south of the town, still that's 300km of smokey haze.

About 500km south you come to 37a turn off to Stewart, the town is a ghost mining town revived by tourist ending a long day of driving. The best thing about this 58km side trip is a glacial that rolls over  mountain range on both sides of the hwy, the south side has great views of waterfalls and glacial ice.

First hotel stay at the King Edward, if you ever visit don't order the fish and chips I'm sure it came from China, as it had the salty taste versus sweet fish taste.  Dawson Fish was so much better.

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