Thursday, 2 August 2018

August 1st, 320km wrong turn

A few notes about yesterday, as I drive into Yukon I see helicopters carrying a bag, which looks like water as a spray is coming off. I don't smell fire or see smoke so figure they are training.  No so 50 km past Watson Lake I smell fire, minutes later I see fog which of course is smoke, it get pretty thick and turn off the car blower. I smoke last for 80 kms

Last night I slept late 9:30 and drive into Whitehorse , walk around town, have bk at local non-chain restaurant, visit the info and ind out the dempster road is wet after 200km and the forecast is for rain for the next 2 weeks with temps 10-14. This need to sink in for a while, better than last time when I had snow and 2-3 degrees but still worst than I had hoped. I fuel up $1.35, and head out onto the Alaska hwy, failing to take the Dawson turn off after 12km and realizing my mistake after an hour later.  I did get great pics of a bear.

The hwy brought my to the US border and I decided to turn around as I had too much food and beer and wine in the car that would be taken by the US customs and than again Canada custom 2 hours later.  Returning not to Whitehorse but pulling off at Pine Lake park at 3:30, a short day but maybe best to recharge.

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