Then out of town toward hwy 99 the best driving road in Canada. Spirited mountain driving, delayed several times for mud slides usually a 20 minutes wait through each section. That aside still a very fun drive to Lillooet which has a nice library to recharge my dead computer. Next a equally spirited drive up hwy 12 and onto the Trans Canada to Spence Bridge and a river side recreation park no fee to make camp. Filled up at $1.29 and drove 513km.
This park seems to be popular with those into gold panning.
At the library I booked a hotel YW in Vancouver Saturday night $145 regular price parking an extra $18, really the best deal in town given its location right next to BC Place at the beginning of Robson st.
blogging post require that I post text and then go back to edit function and add photos, just so you know.
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