Stopping by a fruit stand for small bite size apricots, prune plums and 2 peaches, $12 seem like a lot but I seen peaches asking $4 each yesterday and that's crazy. Connecting to Trans Canada for a bit and back onto HWY 12 towards Lillooet, the road east bound is very busy with logging trucks I assume are going to Merritt, about 12km down the road I see a forest fire 3/4 up the mountain, no flame but looks of smoke bellowing from the trees.
In Lillooet I go to the new bakery across the tourist information and they are right its the best place in town for what ever one would like I get a real baguette and a latte $8. Next back onto hwy 99 towards Whistler, pulling off in just 12km as the road becomes a long line of cars behind and RV that seems to ignore the traffic law that says if you have 5 cars behind you you need to pull off and let them by. I'm number 8 when I joined the line and 14 cars when I decided to pull off at a Cinnamon forest camp site for lunch.
A great driving road is frequently ruined to inapt RV drivers. 2 Hours later the try again south towards Whistler, and again a slow moving Audi A5, obviously too much car for the driver. 20km later he too decides pull off after seeing me overtake the car behind him. Finally some open road lasted about 10 minutes to a Mazda 2 creeping along, I'm just about to overtake it when I see a RV with flashers on just ahead and realize there is just no use. The last 10km we creep along at 10-15km hour with the smell of brake dust in the air. At the end there is a lovely emerald coloured lake, I drive to the Indian reserve and turn around hoping for some open road.
Not happening today within 5 minutes I get behind an over sized truck creeping along at a pace slow enough that I risk stalling. After 10 minute I pull off to allow the slow train ahead of me extend such that stalling risk is averted. I end up pulling off two more time before the truck decide to pull off and let the close to 50 plus cars to pass. Cars spread out for a while and I'm stuck for a while but do get about 15 minutes of open road before another RV and twenty minutes later I pull off for the night at Cinnamon forest park waiting 1/2 for a Mazda to vacate site one.
Just 308km today for a trip total 15,356km.
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