From there driving through a series of town that either cut forest or ranch. Almost hit a fawn at Tekwa no sign to watch for deer but the fawn ran for the driver side door, fell down due to the draft and I looking back got up right away. I saw 5 other deer follow it across the road, so likely ok. Filled up Vanderhoof $1.27 cheaper than Alberta, topped up again at Prince George $1.26 including reserve.
Bc north interior is more ranch country, mountain view are blocked with fire smoke haze. At Williams Lake I decide to go to Bella Coola again, said to be the grizzly capital of the world. The place where I set up my car to sleep in by ripping out the back seat, reclining the passenger seat and fixing a sheet on plywood stretching from the front to the boot. No tenting of any kind is
allowed at Tweedsmuir not even RV campers with a pop up tents is allowed.
I have seen 2 grizzles so far and taken pic of one in the Yukon but last time here there were none. The salmon are starting their run, chum, pinks and coho are running so maybe this time there will be good viewing. As I drive east on hwy 20 the forest fire smoke returns and get thicker as I travel down the road. Stopping at Bull Canyon BC park, right beside the Chilcotin River a very fast moving river with rapids in the straight.
Since my last visit here three forest fires have gone through and now it would seen the forth is upon us. The drive on hwy 20 is through burned areas and these area are now being forested to salvage what wood can be sold. I wonder if they will re-plant or will the land become ranch grazing lands.
Total driving today 818km car total 603,878km trip total 12,774km.
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